The Coolest Looking Pokémon

In my opinion the coolest looking pokemon is probably…Gengar. I know, I know, you would be thinking Gengar is ugly, what I think, it’s absolutely awesome.

First of all, it’s stats blow the roof off. It’s not even effective to about a quarter of the elements. Which makes him super strong defensively. And his attacks are really strong such as curse, dark pulse, or nightmare.

Second of all, he looks so creepy. No I’m just kidding, he is really really cute for a ghost type. Evolved from the ugliest, Haunter, to the cutest Gengar. He is like a chubby looking black-star with cute eyes and mildly sharp teeth.

What is your opinion?

The Greatest soccer Player

You wonder who is the greatest soccer player? Well let’s just say that if you know soccer history you would narrow the soccer players choices down to Péle or Maradona.

In my opinion Pele is far greater than Maradona. He actually invented the famous bicycle kick. What also makes him great is that, as a kid he used coconuts as soccer balls. His family couldn’t afford a real leather soccer ball. When he moved to America he finally got to play with a real soccer ball. Amazingly he was a natural. On and on he faced even the greatest players. Since he kicked coconuts which are harder and heavier than a real soccer ball, he had an amazingly hard shot.

Why is Pele better than Maradona? Pele won more balle de copa award which are the greatest soccer players playing in a European League. He then played on for Brazil and won the word cup against Argentina which Maradona is on.

As he became more famous he was on magazines, news articles, and even commercials in no time. When he retired his fame was never corrupted.

That’s why you would call him a legend.

Are Dragons Real

Are dragons real?

I recently watched a documentary on dragons. Not about how dragons function, it’s about are dragons real. Scientist from Romania weren’t trying to find a dragon, fortunately for them they ran in to a dead one. They were actually trying to dig up the remains of cave men from B.C. in a hidden ice cave.

After the scientist became famous, other scientist travel to Romania just to look at the dragon. A scientist from New York studied the dragon for 2 years until the dragon had to be preserved in a museum. The scientist studied to even the most slightest detail of the dragon, from functions to it’s past and from even dissecting the dragon to get a better look at it.

The scientist refused to let the dragon be preserved in the museum because he thought he needed more study. His fellow scientist comrades thought he was going crazy, he was going to do what ever it takes to figure out the dragon. Later the government overpowers him and made the dragon preserved. Furious, the scientist went crazy trying to persuade the government to let him do further research, that argument then sent hike to jail.

His comrades has his notes and figured out everything about dragons, that dragons are real!



The Reason Why I am Always Tired

The reason why I’m always tired is the reason I’m tired everyday. Sleep. This seems kind of obvious, but there are reasons why the amount of sleep you get is affected in your everyday life.

The first reason that bothers me he most is homework. Homework was the stupidest idea ever created. Some schools in who knows where don’t even give the students homework. I honestly stay up until 10-12 p.m. to finish my homework. Westridge Middle School should just not give out homework or at least cut some homework. That takes up a lot of my sleep time.

Another reason is the amount of time you spend on the internet or a videogame. I used to be a hard gamer. my mom always nagged at me about how I play too many videogames. She then didn’t let me play videogames or watch t.v. for a year. That really started to get me all stressed out. Like withdrawal from something. I have to admit that it is helping me with school and soccer, because I play competitively. That also takes time from my sleep.

The last reason is myself. My family calls me a slow worker. That means I do everything so slowly. I do the same thing everyday and when I get at 9 p.m. at night from soccer, I don’t have much time to do anything.

The Challenge of Getting Through Thanksgiving Day

It’s Thanksgiving day and I don’t want to miss my favorite part of today, the stuffed turkey. “Mmmh”, it’s like I can already taste it. The thing is, that it’s still 2:00 and I’m still in school. Worst of all, it’s Algebra, just listening to this boring stuff makes me drowsy. “Class, today we are learning about digits of pi”, Mrs. Woods says happily.

Again I drift off in to my own world just like I always do. The song from the 5th grade finds it’s way to my head again, “Pi pi mathematical pi 3.141592…..” Soon I think, no wander she chose to work on pi today. Pi and pie are almost a like(just kidding). In the back of my ear I then hear “Josh, can you recite 10 digits of pi please?”, she says boringly. “Sure, umm 3.14159265358973238462338342”, I say surprisingly. “Wow”, I think to myself.

I didn’t just recite 10 digits, I recited 27 digits. I feel a lot better now that I did my part.

When I got home I just went straight to the pie and gobbled it right up.

Slaying the Dragon of Homework

It’s 11:30 pm and I’m just starting to do my homework. This small dragon that looks like it’s made of some mix of graph paper, colorful construction paper, and just regular plain paper, slowly crawls to the tip of my desk in super stealth mode. I start to write on my homework. Scratch. What the… My homework is gone. I look back at that dragon and it suddenly becomes ginormous.

Everything around me transforms into a arena that looks like my desk at school.  My clothes turns into a shiny metal armor. My pencil in hand turns into a huge pencil-sword. The dragon is still there. It shoots cannon balls of Algebra coming towards me I quickly dodge it and use x-intercept. The attack is not effective. The attack is strong enough to knock it off it’s feet though. It immediately uses a heavy attack called literature. I fall back slamming my face to the concrete wall. He’s attacking again using Synonyms and antonyms. This air attack allowed me enough time to get back up and deflect the attacks back with my pencil-sword. This time it is super effective. Now I know the best attacks are air attacks. I then sprint towards the dragon before it can get back up. I then use elaboration to finish it off.

“Whoah”, that was all a day dream, but I look back at the desk and to my surprise, the homework is filled out.

Boredom of School

Everyday I watch the sluggish clock tick by the second, by the minute, and by the hour. Everything I glimpse at the clock it starts to slow down as if it wants to be kept unseen. Tick-tick that’s what I hear every time the hand on the clock jumps from 1 to 2 to 3. I think to myself ” Hang in there, just 30 more minutes”. I can’t stand how people in the comics or T.V. Shows be so joyous at school.

It’s finally English class “Great”. I have to wait another hour to go home and play some video games. Sit there on the couch playing FIFA 14 while a bowl of Cinnamon Jacks lay on the armrest. I look at the clock again, frozen at it’s favorite place 3:07 p.m. It lays there still everyday. Another thought comes to my head. Instead of the cool indoors I could be outside in the scorching heat playing soccer with my amigos.

Ding ding ding.

i have been day dreaming so long, now I can finally bring my thoughts to life.

The Stupidity of Head Butting Someone

Josh comes in for a header, oh no the opponent comes in too. Boom! Looks like Josh is out for the tournament. He’s heading off the field with a swollen head and a concussion. That moment I hear the commentator say that, I finally feel the pain. I try to open my left eye and ouch, I guess my head is swelled up so big my skin is covering my eye. I feel pain like a major headache and excruciating pain from the head butt. Ice, I yell “give me some ice!” That moment I thought I was in some terrible dream. In a land all red with heavy mist so I can’t breathe and rocks constantly hitting my head.