Boredom of School

Everyday I watch the sluggish clock tick by the second, by the minute, and by the hour. Everything I glimpse at the clock it starts to slow down as if it wants to be kept unseen. Tick-tick that’s what I hear every time the hand on the clock jumps from 1 to 2 to 3. I think to myself ” Hang in there, just 30 more minutes”. I can’t stand how people in the comics or T.V. Shows be so joyous at school.

It’s finally English class “Great”. I have to wait another hour to go home and play some video games. Sit there on the couch playing FIFA 14 while a bowl of Cinnamon Jacks lay on the armrest. I look at the clock again, frozen at it’s favorite place 3:07 p.m. It lays there still everyday. Another thought comes to my head. Instead of the cool indoors I could be outside in the scorching heat playing soccer with my amigos.

Ding ding ding.

i have been day dreaming so long, now I can finally bring my thoughts to life.

One thought on “Boredom of School

  1. I really liked the way you described how boring school seems to you with phrases like “frozen at its favorite place, 3:07 p.m..

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